Thursday, March 3, 2011

Brew Your Cask Off - Giveaway

Brew Your Cask Off is one of the upcoming events that I was really looking forward to this year. The guys at Sweetwater did such a good job last year and I was expecting this year to be even better. I went ahead and purchased my tickets well in advance, without checking with Nic. Turns out she has a meeting for work, and now something has come up and I can't go.
The problem is that I still have two tickets. And I don't want to see them go to waste.

I have decided to give our tickets away but there's a little catch. I want to see pictures of the event and a [little] review as a guest post on this blog. If you feel like you want to go and can provide a few pictures and a short write-up, send us an email or @ us on twitter (any of our accounts).

Follow BYCO on Twitter @BrewYourCaskOff for news and previews.

*I reserve the right to make the most unfair choice in picking the winner of these tickets. Special consideration will be given to people that we know in some way or that make the best plea. If you win I will personally hold you responsible for upholding the requirements of this post-unless I feel that your pictures stink and you have the writing skills of a third grader. Deadline for entry is 8pm est, 3/3/11. Winner will be notified via email or direct message(make sure you are following @SeasonallySthrn)

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